
My religion plays a big role in my life. Some of you may not think religion matters all that much, and others still might practice it while not really thinking about it in any deep sense.

My relationship with religion is different — I feel like I really get it. I firmly believe that the “right” religion should not only help its followers attain inner peace but it should also make them a net better person. And I feel like Islam does that for me.

In everything I do, whether it’s the work on Machine Learning, or payments or whatever it is .. at the center of all of that is the belief that I wish to better myself — mdash; and as a result to benefit humanity at large.

However, I feel the perception of Islam is seriously messed up these days. Between the Muslims ashamed to tell people they’re Muslim, and those that think all Muslims are terrorists .. it pains me to see how the same religion I believe in and practice has been so wrongly portrayed .. to the point where it’s unrecognizable.


At the heart of Islam is the Quran, a 1,392 year old book that captures God’s words to us. It’s like a manual for all Muslims. My belief is that the lessons in the Quran can not only help Muslims, but any person, become a better individual.

The quran comprises of 114 chapters for a total of about 611 pages.